Acts 19:21 to Acts 20:38


To discern and share what I’ve been learning and needing from God with the broader Body of Christ.


Reading Deeper…

Jim Reiher, The Book of Acts: A Social Justice Commentary, pages 191-215.

Devotion 1

Wait: Take time to be still and rest in God.

Read: Acts 19:21-41

Reflection: (In reference to verses 35-40) “What a great speech! It is Luke’s summary of course, but what a great emphasis. The result was that the assembly was dismissed and the whole thing settled down. (v41).

I love what that little guy said! I love the two big points he makes about the Christians in Ephesus. The things he says that saves their lives. The things he notes about them that are a wonderful example to us of how to live as Christians in a community where we are a minority and where there are other faiths and other religions. This small speech by the town clerk of Ephesus reminds us of two really important things we should be doing in our lives as we live together in a multicultural community.

The two things that the Christians of Ephesus did NOT do were:

  1. Rob their temples
  2. Blaspheme their goddess

The Christians who lived in Ephesus did not rob the temples of other religions nor blaspheme the gods and goddesses of other religions.

Now that is an example the Church would have done well remembering over the centuries. Pity they did not notice this part of their bible….

Instead of trying to block a mosque next door to our church, for example, we should meet the leaders of the proposed mosque, get to know them, befriend them, offer to help them and host a picnic for them the first day the work begins next door! We should not waste our time cursing what we deem to be ‘the darkness’, but rather we should get on with ‘shining the light’. We need to be grace dispensers, not negative mean-spirited angry people who only see evil everywhere we look. Let us be living examples of Christ to those around us!”


Share: Communion

Pray: Pray into where God is challenging us to stop ‘cursing the darkness’ and instead grow in grace by ‘shining the light’.

Devotion 2

Wait: Take time to sit in silence together, allowing space for God’s voice to be heard.

Read: Acts 20:1-16


Share: Communion

Pray: For the broader Body of Christ as it is scattered to the ends of the earth. Pray for the church to be an encouragement to those in places of injustice and suffering.

Devotion 3

Wait: Take time to sit in the silence of thanksgiving together, aware of God’s loving kindness toward us.

Read: Acts 20:17-38 

Reflection: Paul does not want Christians to go off track and become ‘false teachers’ or ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’. He wants us to be careful, to watch out for ourselves. He wants us to be aware that any one of us can wander off the right path, and deceive ourselves, and deceive others with us. If we stay alert, humble, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, open to the Word of God, and open to the wise advice of our church community, should be able to survive that temptation and danger. But be on your guard. It really could happen to any one of us.


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Pray: For the poor and marginalised who are so often targeted by the ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’, and for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth in their lives.

Devotion 4

Read: Isaiah 43:16-21 as a Lectio Devina

1) Have one person read the verses through twice.

2) Speak out any words or phrases that stand out to you.

3) Read through the verses again.

4) What thoughts, feelings, and impressions do you sense? Share them.

5) Read the verses a final time.

6) What challenges or encouragements emerge? Share them with the group.

Share: Communion

Pray: End with the Lord’s prayer