John 13


To be reproducible models of nurturing, training and raising up of others.


Devotion 1

Wait: Take a few moments to be still and thank God for his mercy and goodness.

Read: John 13:1-20

Reflection: Jesus knew the time was approaching when he would be betrayed and begin his journey to the cross. Even though it was a daunting task at hand, he was sure of the promises of God and the Father’s will. He takes the time to sit with his disciples and to once again demonstrate to them the depths of the love of God. I am not sure if I knew I was about to die if I would be so outward focussed and using my last hours to teach others but I am thankful that Jesus did. He humbles himself in a culture where the feet are so dirty, even the thought of him washing feet as a respected teacher makes the disciples feel uncomfortable. Once again we see Jesus demonstrating the upside down way of the Kingdom of God. This passage is a great reminder of humility and serving others.


Share: Communion, take time to serve each other with communion

Pray: You may like to physically take the time to wash each other’s feet and/or pray for each other as you do. That we would grow in our understanding of what it means to serve like Jesus.

Devotion 2

Wait: Listen to this song, Mercy from Bethel and allow yourself to rest in God’s arms of Mercy.

Read: John 13:21-30


Share: Communion

Pray: God’s mercy surrounds us every day even when we don’t deserve it. Pray into our grace this week that His mercy would show us how to be reproducible models of nurturing, training and raising up of others.

Devotion 3

Wait: Sit in silence allowing God to speak

Read: John 13:31-38 


Share: Communion

Pray: The Lord’s Prayer together.

Devotion 4

Wait: Start with a song of your choice as you allow the busyness of the week to disappear.

Pray: Prayer of Examen: (Use this as a guide to look back over the week and pray from what emerges)

1. Find a comfortable position and in the stillness become aware of God’s presence.
2. Review your week with thankfulness and gratitude.
3. Pay attention to your emotions as they arise.
4. Choose one thing that emerged from the week and pray from it.
5. Look toward tomorrow to the hope he has given us and pray together.

Share: Communion