UNOH Praxis are the things that we do because we think they are important. They are what is distinctive about UNOH—what gives UNOH its particular shape—but they are not unique to or owned by UNOH. UNOH Praxis is what UNOH workers covenant to, and what we seek to express in our lives, teams, and vocation. The commitments of the UNOH Praxis are:

Incarnational Presence: We follow God’s presence and invitation into neighbourhoods facing urban poverty, living, working and making a home there.

Covenanted Community: We embrace and serve one another in community; loving the Lord together; knowing, challenging, and tenderly caring for local and wider team; and sharing a common rhythm of life.

Voluntary Simplicity: We commit to living simply, limiting our freedoms, and sharing our lives and resources in solidarity with the oppressed and poor.

Kingdom Participation: We seek to participate in the Reign of God, sharing Jesus in word, deed, and sign.