Acts 4:1-37


To be a reproducible model of nurturing, training and raising up of new team and leaders.


Reading deeper…

Jim Reiher, The Book of Acts: A Social Justice Commentary, Chapter 4

Devotion 1

Read: Acts 4:1-22

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realised that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognised them as companions of Jesus…” (v14)


“They were uneducated laymen.”

Their credential for this healing, this transformative power, maybe for this scene, was not any kind of major education, at least the way they perceived it, but it was quite simply that these men had been with Jesus.

Richard Rohr, in reflecting on this passage offers the following:

“Basically I’m saying this, what you are going to be able to hand on to your young people is who you are. Transformed people transform people, just by being who they are”. 1


From this passage, what are some ways forward for us to live out this weeks grace? (To be a reproducible model of nurturing, training and raising up of new team and leaders).

Discuss and Pray into your day

 1. Richard Rohr, “Transcript of Richard Rohr’s presentation at Light for the Journey, Wednesday 13 July, 2009, 14. Accessed 6 October, 2015.


Devotion 2

Read Acts 4:23-31 as a Lectio Devina


From this passage, what are some ways forward for us to live out this weeks grace? (To be a reproducible model of nurturing, training and raising up of new team and leaders).


The Lord’s prayer


Devotion 3

Read: Acts 4:32-37

We are not what we own.

“The Greek huparchonton is analogous to the English “belongings,” and is used often by Luke. Possessions typically characterise large estate holders (12:44; 16:1) and are what the “strong man” seeks to protect (11:21), which is why disciples ultimately must “renounce” them (14:33). Luke’s story culminates with Zacchaeus distributing half his huparchonton to the poor (19:8), while his Acts “sequel” begins with the Pentecostal community redistributing huparchonton (Acts 4:32). Rather than “belonging to our belongings,” we should use them to build community.”2


Share: Communion


Share in a time of prayer

Finish with The Lord’s Prayer

2. Ched Myers, “Pay Attention to the Birds,” Sojourners. Accessed 6 October, 2015.

One response to “Acts 4:1-37”

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